25 Genius Halloween Party Ideas

Halloween, or All Hallows’ Eve is a festival that is meant to ward off ghosts and evil spirits. It is also a great time to decorate your house in the coolest and creepiest way you can, and throw a party. However, with Covid-19 still a worldwide pandemic, it is important to take some safety precautions while planning a social gathering like a Halloween party. But, that does not mean that you can’t still have a great party.

In this article, we will explore 25 Halloween party ideas you can use to have a safe and spooky party, even during the current situation.

Themed Costumes – Medical

If you’re looking for the perfect costume theme for the 2020 Halloween, here it is! Invite your guests to dress up as a scary surgeon or a psychotic nurse. This theme comes with the added benefit that no matter what medical professional your guests choose to dress up as, they can still wear a mark without it looking out of place.

Glow in Dark Pumpkins

25 Genius Halloween Party Ideas

Painted pumpkins are cool. Painted pumpkins that glow in the dark are infinitely cooler. Use some fluorescent fabric paint to make your pumpkins look otherworldly.

These pumpkins can either be a décor option, or you can set up a stand for kids (and adults) to paint their own glow in the dark pumpkins.

Incorporate Masks and Gloves

This year, it more important that ever to party responsibly. One way to do that is by wearing face masks at social gatherings like a Halloween party. Make the task fun by inviting your guests to try incorporating a mask and gloves in their costume, and making it look natural. The mask can either be a part of the costume, or be hidden underneath some aspect of the costume, like a bandana or scarf.

Creepy Careers

What’s scarier than a workday? You can use objects and aspects from people’s everyday work lives and incorporate them in your décor. From a satanic video conference decoration shrine and a wreath made from broken wires, to a spooky business casual costume theme, cut loose with your guests as you celebrate the scary world of working from home.

Spooky Drinks

If possible, hire a bartender to provide your guests with some spooky and radioactive looking cocktails and mocktails. For the kids at the party, you can print custom Halloween labels to stick onto their soda bottles to make them look like various potions. You can also serve your drinks in medium sized bottles with corks for an extra witchy feeling.

Plague Doctor Theme

Go medically accurate steampunk for your next Halloween theme. Invite your guests to put their spin on the classic plague doctor outfit and mask. you can use a theme about a past pandemic to keep yourself and your guests safe during this one. It is very easy to wear a face mask underneath this costume while still looking sufficiently creepy.

Bite Sized Foods

If your guest list is long, try to cut down on your cutlery usage by serving a large amount of bite sized foods like hors d’oeuvres. This might seem like it would leave a lot of your guests hungry, but if you plan the quantity correctly, you can actually feed all your guests while preventing people from touching multiple serving utensils and cutlery, and thus limiting overall contact.

Decorate Your House Plants

25 Genius Halloween Party Ideas

Make your house plants a part of your Halloween look by decorating them with lights, cobwebs, and fake birds. You can also use glow in the dark paint on the pots of the plants for an even spookier look.

Decorate Your Cutlery and Glasses

Use cobweb stickers on your cutlery and glasses to make them look on theme. Avoid painting them, since they will be in contact with food. You can even get disposable cutlery for Halloween that will suit the theme of your party. You can find multiple tableware sets made of either plastic or wood.

Creepify A Different Festival or Holiday

Creepy princesses are old new now. Instead, give your Halloween party a new look by setting a theme that essentially borrows elements from a particular festival, like Easter or Christmas, and makes it appropriate for Halloween. From a ripped and bloody Easter bunny head to an audio loop of a creepy Thanksgiving message, the possibilities are endless.

Classic Remake – Halloween Costume Version

Decorate your house with replicas of some of the most classic and iconic Halloween costumes – from Frankenstein’s monster to the ever popular sheet ghost. Use these costume ideas as inspiration for your décor. You can even ask your guests to dress up as their favorite costume from their childhoods, adding a feeling of nostalgia to the spooky theme.

Pastel Halloween

25 Genius Halloween Party Ideas

Forgo the regular Halloween creepiness for a pastel Halloween. From your home decorations to your cutlery, use light shades of pink, green and blue to adhere to the pastel theme. You can use black and white for background decorations to further highlight the pastel look. This is a good idea of you want to have a small gathering without costumes. It is also a good idea for children’s parties, especially those that find the regular decorations too scary.

Superhero Cakes

Make your child’s Halloween with cakes or cupcakes decorated to look like their favorite superheroes. Many children want to dress up as superhero characters for Halloween, and a themed dessert like this is an additional plus that will make the party a success. You can either have multiple small cakes or cupcakes depicting different popular superheroes so every child at the party can get the character they want.

Elaborate Halloween Invitation

In times like today’s, social gatherings like parties are a rare thing. So treat them as such and send your guests an elaborate printed invitation to your Halloween party. You can design the invitation yourself on one of the many available online platforms, and print them out. You can also send an elaborate e-invitation if you don’t want to go through the hassle of making a printed one. Your Halloween party might be one of the few social events that you and your guests get to enjoy this year. Make sure it counts.

Candy Cauldron

Go classic witch with a large cauldron filled with candy for any potential trick or treaters. You can also go the no-contact way by keeping the candy cauldron outside your door so that the children can help themselves. If you do that, however, make sure to never fill up the whole cauldron. Keep it on-third filled at any time, and re-fill it throughput the night.

Cauldron Decorations

25 Genius Halloween Party Ideas

Keeping with the cauldron theme, you can use different types of cauldron decorations as part of your Halloween décor. From large cauldrons filled with tiny pumpkins to a smoking cauldron filled with dry ice, the possibilities are endless. Cauldron decorations are very versatile and can be used for most themed and non-themed parties.

Undead Brunch

Instead of throwing a full-blown Halloween party, you can invite your friends to a Halloween themed brunch. This is generally for when the guest list is adults only, since children may find brunches boring. You can serve creepy looking food items like bloody eyeball sugar cookies and brain shaped cake. Combined with some creepy drinks and cocktails, you are sure to have a great time!

Hire a Face Painter

If your guest list consists of quite a few children, you can hire a face painter to turn the children into different monsters and superheroes. This is a good way of keeping children entertained while also supporting a local artist. To obey safety rules, ensure that both the artist and the children keep their masks on at all times, and that children only get the top half of their faces painted.

In-party Trick or Treating

Trick or treating isn’t looking like it’s going to happen this year, at least not to the same extent as it usually does. So, to ensure that the children at your party don’t miss out on the experience, you can have a trick or treat activity during the party. Give each child an empty candy basket and give each adult a stash of candy that they can distribute among any children that come to them for trick or treating.

Grave Buffet Table

If you decide to have a buffet table at your party, make sure to decorate it so that it looks just as spooky as the rest of your house. You can decorate the table like a graveyard, with a gravestone instead of a notecard detailing the name and ingredients of every food item.

Game – Gravestone Inscription

Entertain your guests by having them inscribe clay or cardboard graves with epitaphs. The epitaphs can either be for them, or for the character they have dressed up as. You are sure to end up with epitaphs that range from sad and heartfelt to hilarious hyperboles. At the end of the party, your guests can take the graves home with them if they want, as a souvenir from the party.

Face Mask Decoration

Now that face masks are a mandatory requirement, you and your guests might as well have some fun with them. Ask your guests to bring one or two face masks that they would like to paint. You can set up an art table at the party for this activity, with a variety of fabric paints and paint brushes. This activity is sure to entertain people of all ages, and all you have to do is make sure that people have all the paints that they need.

Candy Pouches

25 Genius Halloween Party Ideas

Instead of giving handfuls of candy like we usually give to trick or treaters, you can distribute candy in a safer, no-contact way by preparing small candy pouches. Make sure to wear gloves while making the pouches, for extra safety. This way, when trick or treaters come to your door, you can simply give them a pouch instead of having them all put their hands in a candy bowl.

Scavenger Hunt

Keep your guests entertained while still maintaining social distancing norms by designing games like a scavenger hunt, where every person, either child or adult, has to find the prize based on some clues.

Sanitizer Stands

Keep a few foot operated hand sanitizer stands distributed throughout the house so people always have access to sanitizer when they need it. When inviting guests into your house, let them know where the stands are. You can decorate the stands so they look as spooky as the rest of your house.

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